West Hartford and Cyprus

On Sunday I spent the day in West Hartford and took my mom out to lunch. Then I traveled back to New York with one of my best friends and stopped to try Greek food for the first time ever. It felt like we were home.

Dad’s Birthday

On Saturday I was home for my dad’s birthday. Then I met up with one of my best friends in Blueback Square for some white wine, duck, and “spanish ham” outside.


Last night I went to yet another free Yelp event- this time for charity.

Working Sunday

On Sunday I spent 7hrs in my office working.


On Saturday I had a migraine and had to cancel all of my plans. My BFF/neighbor came over to watch me sleep it off.  

Popcorn Maker

On Friday night my roommate and I worked pretty late and then came home to try out her new popcorn maker.

Working Late- Sept 20-23

I worked late for three nights and missed all of my plans.


On Monday I went for a walk after work before going home to read.

Sunday in SoNo

On Sunday I woke up with my best friends (3/4) in SoNo and went to brunch for the majority of the day. We had our waiter, Lenny Tom, take a Myers Briggs test. We hung out by the water and talked about our deepest desires as friends.

Working Saturday

On Saturday I spent a few hours in the office and then went to SoNo to see my friends.